Rise Against Hunger

A smiling person holds a box labeled "Food Donation," filled with groceries. Behind, three people pack items.

The staff and doctors of Reflections Dental Care were able to partner with Rise Against Hunger the past three years. Rise Against Hunger is an international hunger relief organization, to packages thousands of meals for the malnourished all over the globe. Rise Against Hunger is a passionate organization aiming to end hunger. It was founded in 1998 and has distributed millions of meals to people suffering from hunger all over the world. Rise Against Hunger, as an organization, believes that hunger can be eradicated by 2030. As a team, it was awesome to gather outside of the office to embody one of our core values, being service-oriented. The Reflections Dental Care team worked together with members from Dr. Schmidt’s home church, Church of the Servant, to package over 151,000 meals. It was a huge production, and the team was honored to get to play a small part.

Each bag packaged at the event includes protein, vegetables, vitamins, and rice. In assembly line fashion, the team worked together to fill, weigh, seal, and package meals. It took an immense amount of teamwork, but was a great opportunity to build camaraderie outside of the office. One of the great things about the event was the opportunity to have family involvement. A couple of people on the team were able to bring their family members to share in the experience. It was a great way to get to know each other a little better and to further the feeling of family within our team. Below are a few photos of our team having a blast helping the Rise Against Hunger organization. This year another 151,000 meals were packaged, and that is definitely something to smile about.

The opportunity to partner with Rise Against Hunger and Church of the Servant to help eradicate hunger was an experience for which our Oklahoma City dental team is thankful. It truly was our pleasure to serve together for a cause much bigger than ourselves. If you would like more information on how you can partner with Rise Against Hunger to eradicate hunger by 2030, visit their website at https://www.riseagainsthunger.org/

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