Restorative Dentistry in Oklahoma City

Restorative Dentistry in Oklahoma City, OK

Restorative dentistry is truly about embracing and celebrating your individuality. It’s our mission to ensure your smile is as radiant and functional as it deserves to be. Addressing dental issues timely with restorative care isn’t just about fixing a tooth; it’s about preventing a domino effect that could impact your entire oral structure. Remember, when one tooth faces a challenge, its neighbors feel it too. But it’s more than just teeth – your oral health is intertwined with your overall well-being, influencing conditions like heart health and diabetes. Every time you invest in restorative care, you’re not just enhancing that beautiful smile, but also fortifying your overall health and well-being. We genuinely value and understand the unique story behind each smile, and we’re here, hand in hand with you, on your journey towards achieving the pinnacle of dental health.

Empower Your Best Smile

Understanding that dental fears can sometimes hold you back, we at Reflections Dental Care approach your care with empathy and compassion. Your smile is a reflection of your spirit, and it deserves nothing but the best. Let’s work together, addressing any anxieties you may have, and embark on a journey towards a brighter, more confident smile. Your best smile is just a call away. Reach out today and let us be part of your transformative journey. At Reflections Dental Care, we approach your dental needs with empathy and expertise. Let’s transform your smile together—reach out today and start your journey to a brighter, more confident you! Call 405.554.0194 today!

Full Arch and/or Full Mouth Reconstruction Dentistry

Full arch and or mouth reconstruction is a comprehensive and tailored approach to dentistry, aiming to restore both the aesthetics and functionality of a patient’s entire oral structure. The journey often begins with dental cleanings and periodontal care to ensure gum health, which might involve treatments like scaling and root planing also known as a deep cleaning or initial periodontal therapy

In situations where teeth are beyond repair, extractions are performed, making way for replacements like dental implants, which act as robust foundations for crowns, bridges, or dentures, and/or prosthetics. Sometimes, teeth that seem short but are just hidden beneath the gum line are revealed through crown lengthening also known as a gum lift. 

Orthodontic interventions, using braces or clear aligners, are employed to address misalignments or crowding, preparing the mouth for subsequent restorations. Dental crowns, bridges, and porcelain veneers are integral to the process, enhancing aesthetics and rectifying functional issues. Damaged sections of teeth are addressed with fillings or inlays/onlays, using materials like composite resin or porcelain. 

For those with multiple missing teeth, dentures come into play. Where bone or gum tissue loss is evident, grafting techniques regenerate the necessary foundation, especially vital for dental implants. In extreme cases, jaw surgery might be needed for alignment issues or TMJ disorders. Teeth suffering from pulp infections often undergo root canal therapy, followed by crown placement. Lastly, ensuring the harmony of the bite is crucial, and occlusal adjustments are made to guarantee upper and lower teeth meet correctly. As each patient’s needs are unique, full mouth reconstruction often sees general dentists collaborating with various dental specialists to craft the optimal treatment pathway.

Full Arch or Full Mouth Reconstruction: unveiling the journey and what lies ahead


Full arch or full mouth reconstruction is an extensive, individualized treatment plan that addresses multiple dental issues to restore both aesthetics and functionality of a patient’s mouth. Due to its comprehensive nature, full arch or mouth reconstruction often involves several dental procedures. Here’s an overview of what could be involved:

  • Your journey starts with a genuine discussion, followed by a thorough comprehensive exam and evaluation by the dentist and hygienist. An in-depth diagnosis allows for proactive, minimally invasive treatment. By identifying potential issues early on, we can address them before they escalate, saving you from more extensive procedures and costs in the future.

  • Dental Cleanings and Periodontal Care: Often the first step, ensuring the gums are healthy is crucial. This might involve scaling and root planing or more advanced periodontal treatments if gum disease is present.

  • Tooth Extractions: Damaged or decayed teeth that cannot be saved may need to be extracted to pave the way for replacements.

  • Dental Implants: For missing teeth, dental implants can be placed to act as artificial tooth roots. Over time, these fuse with the jawbone and provide a sturdy foundation for crowns, bridges, or dentures.

  • Crown Lengthening, also known as a Gum Lift: Some patients might have teeth that appear short, but are of regular length, just hidden under the gum tissue. Crown lengthening exposes more of the tooth to make restorations feasible.

  • Orthodontics: Braces or clear aligners may be used to correct misaligned or crowded teeth. This can improve bite function and prepare the mouth for further restorative treatments.

  • Dental Crowns and Bridges: These restorations are commonly used in full mouth reconstructions. Crowns cover damaged or treated teeth, while bridges replace gaps of one or more missing teeth.

  • Porcelain Veneers: Thin shells of porcelain can be attached to the front of teeth to improve aesthetics and sometimes correct minor functional issues.

  • Dental Fillings or Inlays/Onlays: Damaged or decayed parts of a tooth can be restored using these. Materials often include composite resin or porcelain.

  • Dentures or Partial Dentures: For patients missing multiple teeth or even all of their teeth, dentures might be an essential component of the reconstruction.

  • Bone or Soft Tissue Grafting: Especially relevant for those considering dental implants, grafting can regenerate lost bone or gum tissue, ensuring a stable foundation for the implants.

  • Jaw Surgery: In some cases, particularly where TMJ disorders or significant bite issues are present, surgery might be required to correct the jaw’s alignment.

  • Root Canal Therapy: Teeth with infected or damaged pulp may need root canal therapy before being restored with a crown.

  • Bite and Occlusal Adjustments: Ensuring that the upper and lower teeth meet correctly is crucial for long-term oral health and comfort. Adjustments can be made to correct bite issues.

Given the extensive nature of a full arch or full mouth reconstruction, the exact procedures required will differ from patient to patient, based on their individual needs. The process often involves collaboration between general dentists and various dental specialists to achieve the desired outcome.

Full Mouth Reconstruction – Benefits

Full mouth reconstruction, often referred to as full mouth or full arch rehabilitation or restoration, is a comprehensive approach to dentistry that addresses multiple dental issues simultaneously to restore both the functionality and aesthetics of a patient’s mouth. Here are the significant benefits of this procedure:

  • Restored Functionality: One of the primary objectives of full mouth reconstruction is to restore the natural function of the teeth and jaw. This includes proper chewing, biting, and speech.
  • Enhanced Aesthetics: Aesthetics and functionality often go hand in hand. Full mouth or full arch reconstruction can result in a more harmonious, symmetrical, and radiant smile, boosting the patient’s self-confidence.
  • Alleviation of Pain or Discomfort: Many patients seeking full mouth reconstruction suffer from chronic discomfort or pain due to TMJ disorders, broken or damaged teeth, or misalignment. The procedure addresses the root causes, providing lasting relief.
  • Durable Solutions: With the use of modern dental materials and techniques, the solutions provided in a full mouth reconstruction—like crowns, bridges, or implants—are long-lasting and durable.
  • Improved Oral Health: By addressing and treating decayed or damaged teeth, gum disease, and other oral health issues, full mouth or full arch reconstruction contributes to the overall health of the mouth, potentially preventing further complications.
  • Tailored Approach: Each full mouth or full arch reconstruction is tailored to the individual’s needs, ensuring that the patient receives the most appropriate and effective treatments for their unique situation.
  • Prevention: By addressing existing issues comprehensively, full mouth or full arch reconstruction can prevent further deterioration, potential tooth loss, and more complex problems down the line. Early intervention equals less invasiveness and therefore less cost.
  • Enhanced Quality of Life: With a restored smile, many patients experience an improved quality of life. They can eat a wider variety of foods, speak more clearly, and smile with confidence, leading to positive social, workplace, and psychological impacts.
  • Cost-Efficiency in the Long Run: While the upfront cost might seem significant, addressing all issues in a coordinated manner can be more cost-effective in the long run than addressing problems piecemeal over time. This cannot be understated.
  • Holistic Oral Health Improvement: Full mouth or full arch reconstruction often involves collaboration between various dental specialists, ensuring a holistic approach to improving oral health.

In essence, full mouth reconstruction is not just about restoring teeth but rejuvenating a patient’s overall quality of life, confidence, and well-being.

Full Arch Rehabilitation Dentistry – The Process

Full arch rehabilitation in dentistry is a transformative journey that seeks to bring back the innate beauty and function of one’s smile when faced with extensive tooth loss or damage. For many, the mouth is not just a tool but a cornerstone of expression, confidence, and connection. When this foundation is shaken by dental issues, it can have profound effects on one’s overall well-being.

Diving deeper into the process:

  • Comprehensive Assessment: The journey begins with a heartfelt conversation and a meticulous evaluation. Through X-rays, CT scans, and detailed dental impressions, we gauge the unique intricacies of your oral landscape, ensuring the forthcoming treatment is tailored to your individual needs.
  • Tooth Extraction: In cases where any remaining teeth are compromised, a gentle extraction process ensures a clean slate for the subsequent restorative steps.
  • Implant Placement: The magic of modern dentistry shines here. Titanium dental implants, acting as sturdy and reliable artificial tooth roots, are delicately anchored into the jawbone. Depending on the specifics of your case, four to eight implants might be placed, setting the stage for the rejuvenation to come.
  • Immediate Transition: Understanding the importance of not just function, but also aesthetics and confidence, many treatments allow for a provisional set of teeth to be affixed right after implant placement. This means you walk out not just on the path to recovery, but also with a renewed smile.
  • Final Touch: After giving the implants ample time to bond naturally with your bone—a process called osseointegration—a meticulously crafted, final prosthetic arch is affixed. This isn’t just a set of teeth; it’s a testament to modern dentistry’s ability to blend art with function.

For those who’ve navigated the challenges of extensive tooth loss or damage, full arch rehabilitation isn’t merely a dental procedure—it’s a beacon of hope. Beyond the mechanics of chewing and speaking, it’s about restoring laughter, bolstering self-esteem, and reclaiming the joy of life’s simplest pleasures. At every step, we walk alongside you, understanding the depth of the journey, ensuring that each milestone is marked with care, precision, and empathy.

Reflections Dental Restorative dentistry is pivotal for numerous reasons:

  1. Oral Health Maintenance: Dental issues, if left untreated, can exacerbate and lead to more complex problems. Restorative dentistry identifies and addresses these issues promptly, preventing further deterioration.
  2. Functionality: Missing or damaged teeth can impact basic functions like chewing and speaking. Procedures like dental implants, crowns, or bridges restore the mouth’s full functionality, allowing individuals to eat and converse without discomfort or impediment.
  3. Prevention: Fillings, for instance, not only restore decayed teeth but also prevent further decay. Similarly, dental crowns protect weakened teeth from potential fractures.
  4. Aesthetics: A healthy smile is also an attractive smile. Restorative procedures, by addressing dental imperfections, play a significant role in enhancing one’s appearance, which in turn boosts self-confidence.
  5. Structural Integrity: Our teeth are interdependent. When one tooth is lost or damaged, it can affect the positioning and health of adjacent teeth. Restorative dentistry maintains the structural integrity of the entire dental arch.
  6. Overall Health: Poor dental health has been linked to various systemic health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, and respiratory infections. By maintaining good oral health through restorative measures, one can also contribute to their overall well-being.
  7. Cost-Efficient: Addressing dental issues promptly through restorative procedures can save patients from more expensive and invasive treatments in the long run.

In essence, restorative dentistry is not just about fixing teeth. It’s a holistic approach to dental health, ensuring the longevity, functionality, and beauty of one’s smile while also contributing positively to overall health.

Restorative Dental Implant Types

At Reflections Dental Care, our passion lies in the art and science of dental implant procedures. Each implant journey we undertake is unique, much like the individual smiles of our patients. Factors like jawbone anatomy, the number of missing teeth, and the need for preliminary procedures make each case distinct. Initially, a thorough examination of your teeth, gums, and jawbone is paramount, using our advanced CBCT scanner for 3D imaging. Sometimes, preliminary steps such as tooth extraction, jawbone improvement with grafting, or gum disease treatment might be required.

The core of the procedure involves surgically placing an implant post into the jawbone, effectively replicating a tooth root’s stability and function. After allowing a healing period of about 8 to 12 weeks (for cases of one or a few implants not a full arch)), during which the implant fuses to the bone, we craft a custom abutment tailored to fit seamlessly, simulating a natural tooth’s emergence from the gum. This abutment connects the implant post to the dental crown or bridge, completing the restoration. With our state-of-the-art CEREC machine (FYI, we don’t often use the CEREC for implant restorations), we design the crown, which is then expertly placed, cementing or screwing it onto the abutment. This intricate process culminates in bestowing you with a beautifully restored smile, both functional and aesthetic. Call 405.554.0194 to set up an appointment. 

Dental implants range from single-tooth replacements to full arch solutions, ensuring a fit for every unique dental need.

All on x – The “All-on-X” dental implant procedure is a revolutionary approach to full arch restoration, where a complete set of prosthetic teeth is anchored securely onto a specific number of dental implants, often ranging from four to eight. This method offers a permanent and highly stable solution for patients with significant tooth loss or those needing full dentures, providing the look, feel, and function of natural teeth without the need for individual implants for each missing tooth. With its streamlined process, patients can achieve a transformed smile and enhanced chewing capability in a relatively short time frame.

All on 4The “All-on-4” dental implant procedure is an innovative solution for those seeking full arch restoration. It involves securely anchoring a complete set of prosthetic teeth onto just four strategically placed dental implants, typically without the need for bone grafting. Designed for patients with significant tooth loss or those transitioning from dentures, this method offers a permanent, natural-looking, and functional replacement that restores the aesthetics and function of a full set of teeth, all while minimizing surgical complexity and recovery time.

Permanent/Final dentures – Permanent or Final dentures as we reference them, often referred to as implant-supported dentures, are a transformative dental solution for those with extensive tooth loss. Unlike traditional removable dentures, these are anchored securely to dental implants embedded in the jawbone, offering unparalleled stability and function. This procedure merges the benefits of dental implants with the coverage of dentures, providing patients with a fixed, natural-looking, and highly functional set of teeth that don’t slip or require daily removal, thus significantly enhancing comfort, confidence, and overall oral health.

Implant dentures – Implant dentures, a fusion of dental implant technology and traditional dentures, offer a stable and effective solution for those with substantial tooth loss. Through this procedure, custom-made dentures are securely anchored onto dental implants placed in the jawbone, ensuring they remain firmly in position without the typical movement of conventional dentures. Patients can remove these types of dentures with a moderate amount of effort in order to properly clean the denture, abutments, and mouth. This melding of techniques ensures a more natural feel and function, eliminating the need for adhesives and enhancing the wearer’s comfort, speech, and chewing capabilities, all while promoting overall oral health.

Focused Root Canal Dentistry in Oklahoma City

The process of performing a root canal always starts by providing gentle and generous local anesthetic to the area to ensure you are sufficiently numb. We will also provide sedation to help you remain relaxed if needed. Once you’re ready, we will begin the procedure:

  • The process starts by removing any areas of decay or smoothing out damaged areas on the target tooth.
  • We will then create a tiny opening on the tooth’s surface, leading into the tooth’s interior.
  • Through this opening, we will remove the inflamed and infected tissues, vessels, and nerves that are causing your toothache. Once this is removed, pain should diminish greatly or immediately disappear.
  • We will finish up by cleaning the inside of the tooth and filling the inside with a biocompatible material, known as gutta-percha.
  • The tooth will be sealed closed with composite material and encapsulated with a dental crown. 

Your new crown will be designed and manufactured by advanced technology, increasing it’s accuracy and making it available for placement within the same appointment. The crown cemented over the tooth following the root canal to protect it from any further damage. Dental crowns can last up to 15 years or more before requiring replacement.

Contact Reflections Dental Care For Restorative Dentistry In Oklahoma City, OK

Here at Reflections Dental Care, we’re passionate about your smile and we’re dedicated to improving your oral health. When you choose our team for your root canal, you’re choosing the trusted experts who will go above and beyond to save your damaged tooth and restore wellness to your entire smile. 

As much as we care about the smiles of our patients, we care about the patients behind them just as much. We want to see you smiling, laughing, and thriving again without any feelings of pain or discomfort. Call 405.554.0194 and we will schedule you for a root canal procedure!

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